Friday, December 20, 2013

Jane Austen Devotional ~ A Gift of Encouragement

"I have often observed how little young ladies are interested by books of a serious stamp, though written solely for their benefit. It amazes me, I confess; for, certainly, there can be nothing so advantageous to them as instruction."
~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (per Mr. Collins...)

Ahhh… To find a volume full of instruction while being entertaining is a rare find! It would certainly have the approval of Mr. Collins! To feast on a witty passage from Jane Austen only to follow it by dessert, the Word of God, is what A Jane Austen Devotional offers its Regency-loving readers.  This beautifully packaged hardbound book offers us a glimpse into our favorite novels along with corresponding encouragement and Scripture. Brew yourself a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy this wholesome form of recreation. Mothers and maidens will find this a pleasurable (but purposeful) repose, indeed!

“...but for my own part, if a book is well written, I always find it too short.”
~ Jane Austen

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!
How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! "
~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice


"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
~ Philippians 4:8

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link UpHomemaking Thursdays and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Casting All Your Cares Upon Him...

“My child, the troubles and temptations of your life are beginning, and may be many; but you can overcome and outlive them all if you learn to feel the strength and tenderness of your Heavenly Father as you do that of your earthly one. The more you love and trust Him, the nearer you will feel to Him, and the less you will depend on human power and wisdom. His love and care never tire or change, can never be taken from you, but may become the source of lifelong peace, happiness, and strength. Believe this heartily, and go to God with all your little cares, and hopes, and sins, and sorrows, as freely and confidingly as you come to your mother.” 
― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."
~ 1 Peter 5:7

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Casual Christianity ~ Pondering "Grace"

We have not written for awhile because we have lacked words. I must say it is because we lack the courage to print them. This little area in the world wide web is concerned with the "casual" Christianity that is flooding the internet. They make it seem like the Messiah will be coming back in surf trunks and a beanie. Like people will greet the "King of Kings" with a "hey, dude!" and then move on with a Facebook entry.

Long gone is the "fear of the Lord" for He is just a "pal" now. The "awe" for the magnificent Creator of the Universe is dwindling into cyberspace.

Sadly, it is being justified by a distorted version of "grace".

Grace does not teach a lifestyle of "take me as I am Lord, keep me as I am and deal with me. I am a sinner and there is no use trying to live likewise".

No, this is what grace teaches...

"denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly,
righteously, and godly, in this present world;

Looking for that blessed hope,
and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity,
and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority.
Let no man despise thee."

~ Titus 2:12-15

The life of a Christian isn't a party but a purposeful path. A path where we are told to pick up our cross, deny self and follow Him that is holy. To honor Him (who died so we could live!) with our life of love, devotion and service.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
 ~ Romans 12:1-2

High-fiving one another while we sin and then picking up the banner of grace to justify our choices isn't living for Him. It is living for Self. It isn't *full* acceptance of grace or *freedom* in Christ. It is mocking it.

May we see the difference and have the courage to "examine ourselves". May we strive to be that "peculiar people, zealous of good works" (Titus 2:14)…

May we be the believer who realizes “all things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up" (1 Corinthians 10:23)…

Because you dear reader, are the Daughter of the Most-High King in this "chosen generation". You have been called to "be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." ~ 1 Timothy 4:12b 

"The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit.
Grace be with you."
~ 2 Timothy 4:22

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link UpHomemaking Thursdays and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Victorian Paper Dolls to Color and Cut ~ Free Printable

Paper dolls... an amusing pastime for young maidens.

Today we are sharing two pretty pages to print out and prepare.

One is of a mother with a younger daughter including Victorian Era period clothing.

Another is a young girl with six outfits to color and create.

Our desire is that this printable will promote beautiful girlhood and feminine attire.

These would also be sweet additions to tea parties and such.

Pair them with stories of Victorian heroines such as
Grace Darling, Elizabeth Prentiss and Christina Rossetti.

Simply click on the link from the menu below to print for your personal use.

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link UpHomemaking Thursdays and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Beautiful Femininity

"Femininity is an attitude of contentment
and delight in how God made us as women."
~ Michelle Brock - What is Modesty?" ~

"To me, a lady is not frilly, flouncy, flippant, frivolous and fluff-brained,
but she is gentle.
She is gracious, she is godly and she is giving...
You and I, if we are women, have the gift of femininity.
Very often it is obscured just as the image of God is obscured in all of us...
The more womanly we are, the more manly men will be, and the more God is glorified.
As I say to you women, 'Be women. Be only women. Be real women in obedience to God."
~ Elisabeth Elliot  ~
(click here for more from Elisabeth Elliot)

"The attributes of a great lady may still be found in the rule of the four S's -
sincerity, simplicity, sympathy, and serenity."
~ Emily Post ~

"Mystique means guarding what is sacred,
protecting the essence of who we are from the inside out -
our heart, emotions, intimate thoughts, and physical body.
A woman with mystique delicately preserves the treasure of who she is,
keeping herself carefully set apart for one who proves he is worthy of such a gift."
~ Lesley Ludy - Authentic Beauty ~

"Only when we learn to vigilantly protect our sacred inner sanctuary of intimacy
with our heavenly Prince can we begin to truly develop the art of feminine mystique.
As we spend time in His presence, we become more like Him.
As we become more like Him,
we learn to carefully guard what is sacred - just as He does."
~ Lesley Ludy - Authentic Beauty ~

"Are you glad to be a woman? 
Does your dress give evidence you are grateful for the way God made you?
This does not mean that lace and pale pink must dominate our wardrobes,
but simply that we reflect we are grateful God made us women.
~ Jennifer J. Lamp - His Chosen Bride ~

"We are called to be women.
The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian,
but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman.
For I have accepted God's idea for me, 
and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am 
and all that He wants me to be."
~ Elisabeth Elliot ~

"It seems to be the fashion nowadays for a girl to behave as much like a man as possible.
Well, I won't!
I'll make the best of being a girl and be as nice as a specimen as I can:
sweet and modest, a dear, dainty thing with clothes smelling all sweet and violety, 
a soft voice, and pretty, womanly ways.
Since I'm a girl, I prefer to be a real one!"
~ Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey ~

"Unaffected modesty is the sweetest charm of female excellence,
the richest gem in the diadem of her honor."
~ Noah Webster ~

"My Princess ... You are My true beauty.
Your real beauty is a work of art - hand carved by Me.
I have given you beautiful lips to speak words of life, beautiful eyes to see Me in everything,
beautiful hands to help those in need, and a beautiful face to reflect My love to the world.
I will work wonders that will radiate true beauty from within.
And when My work is completed, your character will show off My craftsmanship,
and your beauty marks will be remembered by all that were loved by you.
Your radiant King"
~ Sheri Rose Shepherd - His Princess ~

I hope these words are a blessing to you - they certainly encouraged and challenged me!
Have a beautiful weekend, lovely ladies :)

First of all, I want to thank sweet JES for featuring my post 
about the beauty of femininity on her delightful blog.
JES has been a precious sister in the Lord to me
and I am thankful for her relationship with the heavenly Father.
It is truly an honor to be apart of her blog today.


My name is Stephanie and you will find me blogging over at The Enchanting Rose.

My little place is filled with posts about my love for the Lord Jesus Christ,
blessed words of encouragement, beloved hymns, unique crafting tutorials, charming tea cups,
and delicious recipes (especially desserts since I have a terrible sweet tooth).

Feel free to visit at any time - it's always a pleasure meeting new people.

"O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together."
~ Psalm 34:3 ~

Many blessings to you!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Modest and Feminine Apparel for Church

For those of us who aren't avid sewers, *finding* the modest clothing is the hardest part about being modest! We have found some affordable, feminine clothing from Zulilly that we wanted to share with our dear readers today.

The items shown are on sale until the end of this month.

A cute shirt and cardigan would compliment these skirts nicely.

Here are some dresses for our younger ladies.

“A true woman is willing, serious, and determined to reflect the beauty and heart of Christ to her world. She seeks to live a God-centered life, trusting Him and saying “Yes, Lord!” She knows this is only possible by His grace, and seeks to do so in community.”

Sunday, May 26, 2013

"She Will Do Him Good" ~ The Wise Wife/Learning from Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams and granddaughter Susanna watch as a servant hangs laundry in the East Room – by Gordon Phillips

Did you know that Abigail Adams used the unfinished East Room of the White House to hang her husband's clothes. As President, she felt his laundry shouldn't be exposed for everyone to see. This showed a deep respect for her husband and a lot about her discerning character. She once said of her spouse, “When he is wounded, I bleed." What love, what affection, what passion!

"Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee…" 
~ Proverbs 2:11

In a society where many women share intimate information about their relationships via the internet, etc., I think our foremothers would be greatly distressed. In modern language, we call it being "transparent" but the old fashioned upbringing of Abigail Adams might insist that we are "airing out the laundry"!

Please continue reading at Deep Roots at Home where we are guest posting today...

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday's, Teach Me Tuesday, Domestically Divine Tuesday, Raising Homemakers, Wise Woman Link Up, Homemaking Thursdays and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tribute to Mother in Literature from Jane Austen

"...forsake not the law of thy mother…" ~ Proverbs 6:20b

~ A Tribute from Literature to Mother's ~

"As soon as Mrs. Dashwood (mother) had recovered herself, to see Marianne was her desire; and in two minutes she was with her beloved child - rendered dearer to her than ever by absence, unhappiness, and danger. Elinor's delight as she saw what each felt in meeting, was only checked by an apprehension of its robbing Marianne of further sleep; but Mrs. Dashwood could be calm, could be even prudent, when the life of a child was at stake, and Marianne, satisified in knowing her mother was near her, and conscious of being too weak for conversation, submitted readily to the silence and quiet prescribed by every nurse around her.

Marianne continued to mind every day, and the brilliant cheerfulness of Mrs. Dashwood's (mother) looks and spirits proved her to be, as she repeatedly declared herself, one of the happiest women in the world."

~ Jane Austen, Excerpt from Sense and Sensibility (mother in parentheses is my addition)

“A mother would have been always present. A mother would have been a constant friend; her influence would have been beyond all other. ”
~ Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayDomestically Divine TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link UpHomemaking Thursdays and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Virtuous Woman ~ Proverbs 31 Printable Art

I have seen many Proverbs 31 prints for sale but they are rather expensive.

This basic printable would make a thrifty but lovely gift for a mother or maiden.

Look for 8 by 10 frames in second-hand stores that you could paint and decorate.

To accessorize this printable to match a room, print on colored card-stock or fancy paper.

Or, perhaps you will want to make your own design?

To use ours, simply press the link below, download and print.

Graphics for this project are courtesy of Reading, Roses and Prose.

You will find gift tags there as well.

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayDomestically Divine TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link UpHomemaking Thursdays and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Starting Small ~ Planting Seeds of Motherhood

"Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
~ Proverbs 22:6

The world is wise enough to know that a young child is a very impressionable child. This is why the education system continues to fight to get our children into schools at a younger age. The advantage of mothers is that they can use this opportunity to advance the kingdom of God.

I recently found this little book in our archives and thought to share it with you today. "When I'm Mommy: A Little Girl's Paraphrase of Proverbs 31" by Ginger Adair Fulton is a wonderful tool to aid aspiring homemakers. Many mothers wonder when the right time is to instill the Keeper at Home/Proverbs 31 values.

Today is the day... for every book they read and every video they watch, is already instructing them in some way. Be purposeful with what you share with your maidens for everything contains a message (Be discerning. For example, do they devaluate motherhood? Etc...). What you expose your daughter to at a young age will make a huge impact in their adult lives. It is forming their worldview. 

We shy away from books where the main characters are disrespectful to elders, are demanding and spoiled (lacking parental instruction), use inappropriate words such as "stupid" and contain trendy lifestyles that the author would portray as normal (picture if you will a little one wearing earphones, listening independently to worldly music while ignoring the family, obnoxiously chomping on gum, dressed like the latest rock star).

When you see affordable, picture books with a godly message, it is also fun to think creatively with them to make the moment more enjoyable. You can create a curriculum of sorts. A book like this can be a coloring book. Read a page a day as a Bible lesson, cut out the pictures and make a "beautiful girlhood" scrapbook. Memorize and copy the corresponding verses, decorate them in pretty colors, glue down ribbons and other fancies to make for a fun craft.

I encourage you to spend time with your daughter, learning about their Creator and their biblical role now. The books we choose are vital. Tomorrow will be here quicker than you can imagine and your little girl will be a young lady.

For our favorite beautiful and biblical picture books, visit the list here.

For the beautiful benefits of mothers and daughters reading together, visit here.

For our Regal Reading List, visit here.

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayDomestically Divine TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link UpHomemaking Thursdays and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these.