Monday, September 19, 2011

Raising Roses

For Mothers and/or Maidens…

Wouldn't it be lovely to have close access to a rose garden? To be able to make a beautiful bouquet at a whim for your home... Autumn is the perfect time to plant these beautiful blooms. Why not embellish your back yard with these fragrant flowers? Cultivate your gardening skills… Learn how to prune a rose... Make it a splendid project! Research what they need to survive and thrive. Read books about them and enrich your mind. You may find that time in the garden to be very peaceful and this could "grow" into a life long interest...

If you love roses…
I will be posting a THEMATIC UNIT STUDY for maidens in the near future about raising roses
and growing godly girls. 
I hope you will enjoy it with your daughters…

(Linked up to: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home)

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