Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ready for the Oven ~ Preparing Pies

Ready for the Oven by Jennie Brownscombe

“Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness.”

~ Jane Austen

Doesn't this painting put you in the pie baking mood? It suddenly seems relaxing. The last time we viewed a painting by Jennie Brownscombe was in Autumn Foliage. I love the red tone and woodwork on the hutch in her kitchen along with the pot of roses that greet her every morning in the window. 

Autumn Activity for Mothers and Maidens:

Fall is full of inspiration for projects of days gone by. Apple pies and pumpkin pies truly enhance the season with their aroma from the kitchen. What memories that scent will embed in the hearts of your loved ones! Why not bless your family with some fresh from the oven? Be a provident woman and make a large batch... some to freeze for the future and some to give to those in need (Proverbs 31:20).  If you are a mother, now is the perfect time to teach these skills (even a two year old loves to roll out the scrap dough) and if you are a maiden, now is the time to perfect them. I posted an "easy as pie", printable pie crust recipe on my sister site if you would like to try your hand at making four crusts at once.

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