Monday, December 12, 2011

An Awards Ceremony

This is a "thank you" post to Jennifer at Renewing Housewives for the kind award she bestowed upon this blog which is called the "Liebster Award" (She is the neat woman who put together the Homemaking 101 DVD). This award is given from a fellow blogger to their five favorite up and coming blogs. Thank you, Jennifer, for this sweet treat!

You can visit her "Liebster Award" posting this blog here…

Excerpt from Renewing Housewives:

"So, here is how the Liebster Award works "Liebster" is a German word meaning friend, love or dearest. This award is shared and given to up-and-coming blogs that have less than 200 followers.

1 ~ When you receive this award*, copy and paste it to your blog.

2 ~ Thank the blogging friend who awarded you and make sure you link back to their blog so others can check out their fabulous blog too.

~ Choose your five (5) up-and-coming blog picks then go share the love by commenting on their blog.

~ Hope and encourage that the recipients will spread the love to other up and coming blogs! (Be sure to check their blogs for the list to check out other great blogs!)

That's all there is to it."

My responsibility is to pass on the goodness to my five favorite up and coming blogs of less than 200 followers. I have included sites of both mothers and maidens in my mix so there is something for everyone here. It is like a box of chocolates!

Survey Says… (And in no particular order.)
  1. Olive Plants All Around My Table
  2. Deep Roots at Home
  3. Twenty-Six Thousand Days
  4. Homemaking Pilgrim 
  5. An Original Belle

*Also, I hope I am forgiven but I changed the graphic of the Liebster Award… Sorry if this offends but I just couldn't resist when I saw the above clip art from the Graphics Fairy. I don't know if this is a blogging sin but I took my chances (wink).


  1. Thank you for the kind award :-). I will blog about it and join in on the fun when I get a chance.

  2. Aww! Thanks so much for the award! Woohoo! Congrats to the other ladies!

  3. Thank you, dear! I've never been awarded before! It's a pleasure to know you're reading. {hugs!}

  4. Dear JES, Thank you so much for your sweet vote of confidence! I am sorry I didn't respond earlier due to company and too much activity here, but I will possibly be able to pass the baton in the next week or so! You are very kind to consider me worthy of such a kind award :) *hugs*

  5. Dear JES,
    Thanks so much for the award! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Our home is buzzing with extra activity now that our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter have come for a visit.
    I will join in on the fun next week after things settle down a bit.
