Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Corrie Ten Boom

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” 

~ Corrie Ten Boom

Who is Corrie Ten Boom?

Cornelia "Corrie" Ten Boom (1892 - 1983) was a Dutch spinster, who along with her family, aided many Jews to escape the Nazi Holocaust of World War II. They were devout Christians.

Interesting facts about her life:
  • She was born in Amsterdam but died in Orange, California.
  • Corrie grew up in a pious household where the family was very active in the community. Her father owned a watch shop which they lived above and she and her sister aided him in the daily duties. All three lived together as her sister and herself never married (at the time this story takes place she was 50 years old).
  • Corrie always considered her life ordinary until… 
  • Jewish people began arriving on their doorstep asking for help during World War II. This began a year long effort of becoming a safe house for those being persecuted and those involved in the Dutch underground. She organized plans to house and provide food for these people during rationing which was no easy task during Nazi occupation in Holland. Between Corrie, her family and friends, they saved approximately 800 Jews along with Dutch underground members.
  • In 1944, they were betrayed and their father, sister and Corrie were all imprisoned. The Jews that they were hiding at that time, along with the Dutch underground workers were kept safe since the hidden room they created for refuge was not revealed (it was a false wall in Corrie's bedroom). A few days later the resistance group saved those in the Ten Boom home.
  • Her father died ten days later in the prison.
  • While Betsie (her sister) and Corrie were in the prisons, they preached the Gospel of Jesus. 
  • Her sister ended up dying in the prisons while Corrie was later released due to a paperwork error (or as some of us may call the hidden hand of God!).
  • She spent the rest of her life in ministry to the Lord (now aged 53) and spreading the message of God's love and forgiveness.
  • She died on her 91st birthday.
Web Source 1, Source 2Source 3

What is special about the whole Ten Boom family is that they lived the ultimate act of love. They laid down their life for a friend (John 15:13)! The testimony of God that they left behind is more inspirational than I could write in a few lines and I hesitate to include too much information in order to encourage you to read for yourselves (there is an excellent movie as well, see below) this most exemplary "love" story. What they went through will bring inspiration to every one! When you think something is too hard for you to do or bear, think of this horrendous time in history and you will be humbled and encouraged by the beautiful examples of God's faithful shining through his ordinary followers that were doing unordinary things.

The Hiding Place Book (For ages 13 - 99 years)

The Hiding Place DVDTHE MOVIE (Excellent drama for 13 - 99 years of age.)

Corrie Ten Boom: Shining in the Darkness (Heroes for Young Readers)
by Renee Meloche (A beautifully illustrated, hardcover book for 4 - 8 year olds that gently introduces Corrie Ten Boom in poem form to young readers.)

by Catherine Mackenzie (For 4 - 7 years of age in hardcover with the message that being with Jesus is the only safe place.)

You can also view some pictures of her home and family here for further study and some beautiful quotes from Corrie here.

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  1. One of my favorite authors. :)

  2. Yes, I never forget that vitamin bottle that never ran dry, nor the lice that they insisted on giving thanks for and that turned out to be a blessing in the end!

    Annie Kate

  3. I was reading aloud the book The Hiding Place when expecting our 6th child, which turned out to be our 6th daughter! Because we fell in love with Corrie ten Boom while reading the book, there was no other name considered for our precious baby girl. At 12 years of age, Corrie Beth adores her namesake.

  4. How special!!! Thanks for sharing that.

  5. Hi Jes- I love the content of your blog- very unique and I am bestowing the Versatile Award to you! Please visit Ladies Of Virtue to receive. Merry Christmas.

  6. Corrie Ten Boom is a personal favorite of mine too. Thanks for highlighting her here. I'm going to be following you too!

  7. nice post...thanks for sharing...happy holidays...blessings soraya

  8. Oh, JES, Corrie Ten Boom is one of my most favorites (plus, my father was born in Holland). I have written on her twice in an older blog!! I had thought to share it soon :) Merry Christmas to you and yours as we celebrate the Christ child come to dwell among man!! BTW, I hope you come always to share your wonderful posts!! I am blessed by all I've read.
