Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Marmee's Hope Chest

"'What did mother give you out of the treasure-box?" asked Amy, who had not been present at the opening of a certain cedar chest, in which Mrs. March kept a few relics of past splendor, as gifts for her girls when the proper time came."
When we think of cedar chests or hope chests, we think of new items to be taken with us for use in a future home. I think that we can also glean from Marmee and keep a little chest of treasures that can be stored away for special moments.

Young maidens may want to tuck away items that they have out grown but still hold sentiment such as a dress hand made by grandmother or a special doll (yes, even a teddy bear!). Perhaps one day their daughter or granddaughter will appreciate these little glimpses from their past.

Mothers can stow away items that were precious to her growing up and save them to give delight one day. I used to collect vintage beaded purses as a young lady and I have tucked away my favorites to pass down to my sweet one when she reaches a certain age. There are also some trinkets that were dear to me that I plan on giving in those milestone moments of her life.

What prized possessions will you store away for when that "proper time" comes?


  1. My mother had her hope chest filled with alot of things she treasured from us kids that we had 'created' over the years. I loved going through them all. Also in there was her wedding album, family album and the christing gown we all wore as infants. Such fond memories that when I was 17 I bought a beutiful Lane hope chest off my friends mom for $25.00!! Scratched and dinged, my future in-laws secretly restored it years later as a birthday gift. It's had a place of honor in my home for the last 20 years. Like my mom, it's filled with mostly treasures from my children. Thanks for the post and the walk down memory lane :) I found you on raising homemakers.

    1. Thanks for sharing those sweet memories! ~ JES :)

  2. I always enjoy your posts. Such wonderful ideas to touch on!

  3. nice post thanks for sharing...looking for to visit more...blessings...soraya
