Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pollyanna ~ A Nourishing Novel

“Miss Polly actually stamped her foot in irritation.

"There you go like the rest," she shouted. "What game?"

At last Nancy told her all about the story of how the crutches arrived instead of a doll, and how Pollyanna's father had taught her that there was always something to be glad about. 

Miss Polly couldn't believe it.

"How can someone ever be glad of crutches?" she demanded to know. 

"Simple" said Nancy.

"In Pollyanna's case, she could be glad she didn't need them!”

~ Eleanor H. Porter, Pollyanna

To be glad! What an amazing influence a good attitude will have on everyone around you. Do you sometimes need a reminder to count your blessings? Reading the novel, "Pollyanna" by Eleanor Porter will remind you gently.  Pollyanna is a story of an orphaned girl of a missionary family who turns her aunts' life upside down with her "glad game" that she spreads through the community. An excellent example to everyone!  Girls of all ages will love this novel.

Scripture that Summarizes the Story:

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:
but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
~ Proverbs 17:22

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