Friday, June 1, 2012

The Basket of Flowers

"James took advantage of his daughter's love for flowers,

to give her many lessons of heavenly wisdom."

~ The Basket of Flowers by Christoph von Schmid

Violets by Catherine Klein

"When she brought him her first spring violet, he said to her,

"Let this flower, my dear Mary, be the emblem of humility and

of that quiet benevolence which does good in secret.

In its quiet dress of deep blue, decked by no gaudy colours,

it modestly hides under the green leaves and is scarcely seen,

while shedding around it the richest perfume.

Try to resemble it, dear Mary; care not for gay ornaments and

vain display but strive to obtain that 'ornament of a meek an quiet spirit,

which is in the sight of God of great price."

White Lilies by Dennis Francesconi

"This lily, my dear child, is the emblem of purity.

How easily its bright leaves are stained!

Scarcely can they be touched when they are injured.

Thus the very least approach of vice pollutes and corrupts the soul.

Pray, dear Mary, for purity of heart."

Roses by Catherine Klein

"Let the rose," he said, "be the emblem of modesty,

as it resembles the blush which rises to the cheek of a modest girl."

Roses by Paul DeLongpre

"But there is another lesson to be learned from the rose:

after it's beautiful colors have faded, it still retains its fragrance;

when its leaves are brown and withered,

they are even sweeter than in their fresh and lovely youth.

Thus it is, dear Mary, with a true Christian. Thus let it be with you.

The cheek of youth will fade, outward beauty will decay,

but strive to acquire those graces of the mind which are unfading and imperishable."

Basket of Flowers by Paul DeLongpre

"Thus did Mary, day by day, learn from her good old father…"

~ Excerpts from The Basket of Flowers

And now... "Mary is falsely accused of stealing, and the penalty is death. She had always been taught that it is better to die for the truth than to live for a lie-for the worst pillow to sleep on is the pillow of a guilty conscience. Will the darkest and most dreadful night help Mary find God for herself or will she live in the shadow of a faith that is not her own? This is a story that will cause you to shed a tear or two and at the same time cultivate a hope that will never disappoint!" ~ Lamplighter Publishers

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