Monday, June 25, 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter...

every one that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee,
saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter."
~ Ezekiel 16:44

It is sad that the proverb, "As is the mother, so is her daughter" would be used in a negative fashion. Though the verse above is speaking about Israel and her rebellious offspring, it is also very applicable to us women today.

I remember reading once that we should be careful that we do not discipline our children for the sins we ourselves have taught them. This can be so true. How many times do we get frustrated at a behavior in our child only to by humbled by the knowledge that it is the weakness which we suffer from ourselves? Yes, "like mother, like daughter" does apply to us today.

It can have a lethal connotation when we think of the likes of Jezebel and Athalia. However, it has a beautiful implication when we think of the lives of Grandmother Lois and Eunice.

We need to constantly pray for strength and wisdom for our dear maidens are watching…


  1. So true...we do need to be in constant pray for they are watching...and will copy what we do and say! And one day, if we have not lived a life for Christ, they will stop watching and see us as being a hypocrite and turn and run the other yes we need to be in prayer for God gave us a valuable job to do!

    1. Yes, and thank goodness we have HIS help!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking the time to visit :)

  3. Over from the domestically divine link up- I am constantly reminded of this this- sometimes joyfully, and sometimes painfully so. i am grateful for his knowledge of my frailty, and the Grace he gives to suffice my shortcomings.

    1. He doesn't ask us to to do it all alone. We certainly can depend on Him for help, strength, support, mercy and forgiveness! :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. It is so true! Whenever I see behavior of my children,I ask myself,"where did that come from?" The holy spirit reveals to us and helps us to change. Thank you!

    1. You hit the nail on the head Sara!

      Nice to hear from you :)

  5. amen nice post thanks for sharing looking for to visit more..blessings from arnhem
