Monday, October 29, 2012

Longing to be like "Everyone Else"?

"All things are lawful for me,
but all things are not expedient:
all things are lawful for me,
but all things edify not."
~ 1 Corinthians 10:23

There are moments in our Christian walk where we feel isolated. We must pass on going to certain events that "everyone else" is attending. We are compelled to exclude ourselves from different places, activities, clothing and media. It happens when we believe (through our actions) the inspired words of the Scriptures and "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).

However, loneliness can creep in… The crowds can be captivating. It can all look so easy, so carefree and without worries… It can be tempting to dive in and join in the frolic. To be like "everyone else" without the constant concerns…

Dear sisters, in these moments of weakness, let us learn from the past...

"Everyone else" drowned  in the flood... Genesis 7:23

"Everyone else" was destroyed in Sodom & Gomorrah... Genesis 19:24

"Everyone else" shouted, "Crucify him, crucify him." Luke 23:21

Oh mothers and maidens, may we never be like "everyone else"... 2 Thessalonians 1:8

"Everyone else" may continue to do ,"Everything else" that we choose not to...

But as for us, we are SOMEONE ELSE...

" are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light..."

~ 1 Peter 2:9

With love, JES

This post may be shared with some or all of the following lovely link-ups: Modest Mom Monday's, Teach Me Tuesday, Domestically Divine Tuesday, Raising Homemakers, Wise Woman Link Up, and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you, dear ladies, for hosting these!


  1. Oh Jes, this is a beautiful post!!! Such wise words that I am going to use as a devotion today for my family. Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Wow! I was truly convicted after reading this post. These are the wise words that all of us as women need to hear. Do I have permission to copy this and put it in my bedroom as a reminder?

    P.S. I didn't know you had this other blog until I found this link via the "Raising Homemakers" link-up. :)

    1. Absolutely Mara! Thanks for sharing here :)

  3. Beautiful, perfect...thank you!!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  4. Dank je wel/ thank you for this amazing blog. Glad I found it.

  5. Thank you for these beautiful words. I will try to remember.
