Monday, December 3, 2012

Mentored by Wonder Woman?

A confession... I grew up worshiping Wonder Woman. She was amazing to me with her special weaponry that assisted her in fighting the "bad guys". The tiara she wore doubled as a boomerang, her fancy bracelets could dodge bullets and her magic lasso forced people to speak the truth. In her special boots, she could jump extremely high! She was so very "good" in my young eyes as she pranced around in her skimpy swimwear… but she was not real, nor was she modest, nor did she even resemble a keeper at home or a Proverbs 31 woman. Most importantly, she wasn't a follower of Christ.

How many hard lessons did I have to learn because of her "glamorous" influence. This is why I encourage you to mentor your daughters using the real "wonder women" in history. Their special weapons? The armor of God! (I am sure you can guess who the "bad guy" is too.)

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." 
~ Ephesians 6:10-13

Margaret Wilson, Scottish Covenanter

Teach your daughters about the Christian heroine, Margaret Wilson, who stood staked in the rising waters with her "loins girt about with truth" (Ephesians 6:14). She was able to stand strong unto death in the knowledge that Christ was the head of the church and not man. What a wonder!

Betsie, Corrie and Nollie ten Boom

Corrie Ten Boom and her sisters wore the "helmet of salvation" (Ephesians 6:17) when they protected the persecuted Jews in their Holland homes. They knew they were "safe in Christ" with their armor on and feared not what man could do to the body. What strength and faith in God these women had!

Elizabeth Prentiss

Elizabeth Prentiss fought her battles with the pen. She wrote novels full of godly encouragement for women with the "sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17). She gently exhorts us to conquer those earthly lusts and live for the Lord!

These "wonder women" (along with many others) are godly mentors for our girls (and ourselves). If we do not provide worthy examples, the world will do it for us. Their role models are always waiting to be worshiped on the pages of magazines, in the aisles of your grocery store, on the television screen with their lawless lifestyle (even if you censor the shows they watch, there is always the seductive commercials) and in homes of families and friends (sad to say). God willing, you are with your daughters most of the time which gives you the advantage. Study the heroines of the faith in the Scriptures. Provide her with examples which will aspire her to live up to a higher calling, one which would make her a "wonder woman" in her own right as she seeks the will of God in her life.

Dear readers, stand strong in your God-given armor…
hold fast to"the shield of faith,
wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." 
~Ephesians 6:16

This post may be shared with some or all of the following lovely link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me Tuesday, Artful HomemakingDomestically Divine TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link Up, and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you, dear ladies, for hosting these!


  1. What an important fact this is! Children emulate what they see and as parent (and in my case babysitters) it's so important to show them the truth, and not some fairy tale.
    I found you at Modest Mom blog.

    1. Good point for younger children regarding babysitters… Thanks for sharing here today!

  2. Excellent post, JES. I am constantly pointing my children to REAL heroes: from the Bible and from history.

    Hope you're having a marvelous Monday. :)


    1. You said it, REAL… Thanks for sharing Lisa!

  3. Thank you Jes! Well said! If we don't surround them by Godly mentors, they will have the world to do it. Funny Proverb 31 wife mentioned babysitters. I would rather have my friends or elder parent baby sit my kids, because I haven't been able to find well discipline sitters. Thank you so much for hearing the holy spirit.

    1. Dear Sara,

      We always had grandparents babysit since little opportunity was ever given (we are home bodies!) and it was a blessing to know they respected our choices for bringing up our children. Thanks for sharing about elders, they are a good choice when their life has much fruit to show them as responsible and God fearing...

  4. Great post! I need to be looking for real Godly women for not only my girls' but also for myself. I get so caught up in the world at times that I put my faith in the wrong people and things. Thank you for redirecting my attention and giving me some "new" women to look to as mentors.

    Visiting from Artful Homemaking.

    1. Good point. I did include "ourselves" in there for the same reason! We all need older women (Titus 2:4) to be good examples for us and to teach us "good things". Thanks for sharing :)

  5. I liked your point about commercials. This is why we wont' have TV. commercials can be worse than the program!

    Loved your post!

    1. I agree with you which is why we don't have one either :) Thanks for sharing here today!

  6. Haha!! I loved wonder woman, too! But I learned I couldn't reall be LIKE her; I was too weak and never in the right place at the right time :(
    This is such excellent truth and I'm so glad you linked up it up to encourage others at Deep Roots :)

  7. No, dearie! You weren't the only one ~ Lol ~ I would like to feature this post tomorrow on 'EOA'!! It is so good, I can't forget it today...haha!
