Monday, November 21, 2011

Give Thanks

The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth by Jennie Brownscombe

"In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18

The journey of the pilgrims consisted of storms in the sea, lack of fresh food, seasickness and buckets for the use of everything else I dare not mention (which meant a lack of hygiene and a sanitary environment in which to live). These people were also among passengers who taunted them for their faith on this historical journey to the "New World". Notwithstanding all these torments was the grief in their hearts from their final good-byes to loved ones and the great detachment from the civilized world as they knew it. They would most likely never see that world and those left behind loved ones again…

When they finally arrived at their destination, their troubles were not over! They lost one half of their people to starvation, disease and cold in the first winter. This was a journey led by God? Surely they must have felt forsaken? They had every opportunity to lose hope and faith. But, what did they do when given the opportunity?

They thanked God for everything He had done for them!

Truly there is much to learn from a people like this! In these uncertain times, it is so easy to lose heart but when looking back to the journey of the pilgrims, we can see the grace that has been shown to us in our present circumstances. May their example stand out like a beam of light in dark moments for what was the source of their strength?

The Living God and the encouraging words of the Scriptures!

This is the faith that we must hold on to in our own lives when our journey seems to go down a thorny path of sorrows and pain…

This is the faith that will sustain you in all circumstances so that when your life reaches some pinnacle point, you know that you are safely in the place God has chosen for you…

"In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18

And thanks MUST be given
for the Lord has laid down His life for YOU…
JOHN 3:16

Other paintings we viewed by Jennie Brownscombe in addition to this page:


  1. Dear Jess,
    I stop by to see what you are doing and wish you a Happy thanksgiving. I am grateful for your blog, you truly are a woman of God. I am inspired by your post, you take your time to give us the best. I am trying to rebuild my blog and I would love to put your button on my blog. Blessings!!!

  2. Hi Sara, Thank you for your encouraging words!
