Friday, November 18, 2011

Thoughts Concerning the King

Image from the cover of Thoughts Concerning the King  by Elizabeth Prentiss (1890)

"It sweetens every bit of work to think that I am doing it in humble,
far-off, yet real imitation of Jesus."

"God never places us in any position in which we cannot grow.
We may imagine that He does.
We may fear we are so impeded by fretting petty cares that we are gaining nothing;
but when we are not  sending any branches upward,
we may be sending roots downward.
Perhaps in the time of our humiliation,
when everything seems a failure,
we are making the best kind of progress.
Look on and look up.
Lay hold on Christ with both your poor, empty hands.
Let Him do with you what seems good to Him.
Though He slay you, still trust in Him,
and I dare in His name to promise you a sweeter,
better life than you could have ever known,
had He left you to drink of the full dangerous cups of unmingled prosperity."

"Not till I was shut up to prayer and to the study of God's word by the loss of earthly joys
sickness destroying the flavor of them all —
did I begin to penetrate the mystery that is learned under the cross.
And wondrous as it is, how simple is this mystery!
To love Christ, and to know that I love Him — this is all."

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