Friday, April 5, 2013

Stirring up the Gifts Within Our Daughters

Flowers in the Field by Francis Luis Mora

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God,
which is in thee by the putting on of my hands."
~ 2 Timothy 1:6

The average age (for a first marriage) for women in the United States in 2009 was 26.5 years. There is a decline in marriages in general and the church is not removed from this truth. While at a homeschool convention a few years ago, I had a chance to meet a lovely Amish/Mennonite young lady. She was 26 and unmarried. We got on the conversation and she said she is not alone. Many of her friends are waiting for the right man but the boys in their churches are in no hurry to marry and the quality is lacking. I was saddened but not surprised as this seemed to be the trend in our churches as well.

What to do? While raising our daughters to be keepers at home, we must remember that although homemaking is a beautiful calling, there is also something God given in each of us that requires further nurturing.

At the Piano by Childe Hassam

Do you have a girl who is musical like Miriam was? Encourage her to develop those skills. How comforting a sweet song can be to the soul.

The Embroiderer by James Carroll Beckwith

Do you have a Lydia who loves to sew? There are many sewing classes available, DVD curriculums and friends and family who can help to nurture this interest. Encourage her to use her talents to make modest clothing (and possible sell them), sew baby gifts for new mothers, etc.

Young Girl with Goat and Flowers by Emile Munier

Does your daughter have a love for animals like the shepherd daughters of Jethro? Encourage her to mentor a young girl who shares a similar love or create a cottage industry with the by-products from her farm ventures.

Portrait of Dora by Frank Dicksee

We must "stir up the gifts" within our daughters so they may begin their active work now. A purpose must be given, a vision set and goals created. There are many opportunities to serve in the home sphere where God has placed us. Pray for guidance and wisdom that these acts of service will fulfill your daughter and her desires.

The Sensitive Plant by Frank Dicksee

It is a wicked world out there. If our maidens are not working diligently on some sort of labor or skill, the world will certainly provide amusements for them. All these talents will only benefit and broaden a future home that they may have of their own one day. And lastly, be purposeful and  share with all the dear younger women you know how important and special they are to their Creator (because you are, dear maiden!).

"Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."
~ Proverbs 31:29

This post may be shared with some or all of the following lovely link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayDomestically Divine TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link Up, and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you, dear ladies, for hosting these!


  1. Such a good reminder! I have noticed that fewer and fewer people seem to be getting married in their early 20s, and so many of the younger women in my church seem to be putting their lives completely on hold until marriage. It makes me sad because God has given wonderful gifts to so many of these ladies, but I remember from my own single days that sometimes when you're in that season of life, it can be difficult to see how God might be using that time.

    1. Very true Amy! Thanks for sharing here today!

  2. Wonderful reminders! Not only is it teaching your daughters to be industrious and useful, it's also teaching them a trade they can apply at home.
    All my training was towards becoming a homemaker and mother. Now, as a wife, I have to work outside the home. (My hubby is wonderful and works hard, but it's not enough to do more than pay the bills) I wish I had a trade I could employ at home, and if I had been taught for such as a daughter, perhaps as a wife, I wouldn't be working outside the home.
    I'm stopping by from the Wise Woman Link up. :)

    1. Thank you for sharing your input… Yes a trade they can apply at home would be an excellent thing in this challenging economy. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Well written! I agree with the sentiment that young women should not be so pre-occupied with sitting at home waiting for their life to begin as a wife and mother, that they might neglect the calling of the Heavenly Father in this moment. There are so many things that a young (or even not so young) single woman can do for the glory of our Lord, that I, as a wife and mother to lots of little ones, cannot do, and I only wish they could see their single life as full of purpose and dignity, if they follow the calling of our Savior.

    In Christ,

  4. Wonderful post...I pray I can inspire my daughter to stir up her gifts to glorify God!

    I've just posted the new Homemaking Party for the week and would love to have you link up, if you'd like!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

    1. Thank you for sharing here today :) I will have to make a trip over :)

  5. A most excellent post! Thank you for this timely reminder. We have three such young maidens in our family--four if you count the fact that I"m learning right along with them!

    1. Good point, we ourselves are always "learning" as we are "teaching"...

  6. They can also be like Sheerah of 1 Chronicles 7:24, who built three cities!
