Thursday, April 25, 2013

Victorian Scrapbook ~ April 1864

"No influence is so powerful as that of the mother."

~ Sarah Josepha Hale, Editress of Godey's Lady's Book (shared below)

Would you like to step back in time to the April of 1864?


"Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea! Jehovah has triumphed, and Israel is free." "The Bible has a wonderful distinctness in its delineations of human character. The Divine Light (of which the effect of the Sun in lining the photograph seems a faint illustration) produces by a single impression, the charac- teristics of the man or woman who stands under its beams of eternal truth. We feel this power of holy inspiration, and rest on its revealings with an assured conviction that the likeness is true. There are not many women introduced in Bible history; those who are, touched by this Ithuriel spear, seem to come like revelations of what God designed as the destiny and duties of the feminine sex. Among these representa- tive women, is one whose name is united with intellectual powers and great deeds, surpassing all others described in the old Testament, as surely as the evening star out- shines her sisters of the sky — "Miriam the prophetess." The first glimpse we have of Miriam's remarkable in- telligence and power of aiding the plans of Divine Prov- idence, is when she, a little girl, watches the cradle of her baby brother Moses, as he lies helplessly exposed to his fate among the reeds of the Nile. {Exodus, chap, ii.) Was not Moses then, even in his helplessness, a strong tower of faith and hope to that waiting girl, who must have known that her people inherited the promises, and believed that the time of deliverance would surely come? How she must have rejoiced when the babe was saved and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter! Did not Joseph become the ruler of all Egypt ? Might not her brother Moses be thus raised to honor? and then the Hebrews would be free! As Miriam "stood afar off, to witness what would become of him,'-' and saw him saved ; did she not, in her young heart, "Sing to the Lord" in the triumph of her soul, and dedicate herself to him? Eighty years had gone by since that scene on the banks of the Nile. During these years no ray of light had broken the gloom of Egyptian bondage for the Hebrews. Now they are redeemed by the mercy of God, and, led by His servant Moses, stand free and triumphant over their enemies, who have all perished in the Red Sea. What themes for joy and gratitude to the Lord this wonderful deliverance gave that ransomed people! "The Song of Moses" seems, even now, when reading it, to shout the praises of the ever-living and true God. It is the fitting time for the Hebrew heroine to come forth from the shadows of eighty years, since she, a little girl, watched the cradle of her brother Moses, See her stand by his side, in the full radiance of her majestic womanhood, his helper: her name joined with her brothers (Micah iv. 4), "Moses, Aaron and Miriam," as leaders of Israel ; her assigned duty to be leader of the women:''Miriam the prophetess.'' What honor was hers, as the light of divine truth stamped on the holy pages of God's Book an indelible photograph of that joyous thanksgiving of praise and glory to the Lord God, when "Miriam the prophetess took a timbrel in her hand ; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances." And Miriam answered them, " Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath tri- umphed gloriously ; the horse and his rider hath He cast into the sea!"
Yes, Miriam, a devout worshipper of the true God had kept her faith and hope in His promises; and now, at the age of ninety years, she seems endowed with the full powers of her mind and health, most probably was in the full possession of that oriental comeliness, "where all that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes."
No Queen on her throne ever had such a glorious triumph as                       Miriam then enjoyed..."

~ Excerpt by Sarah Josepha Hale, Editress of Godey's Lady's Magazine

I hope you enjoyed these treasures from the past…

Coming soon! Don't miss May's exciting issue!

Would You Like to Read Our Back Issues?
This post may be shared with some or all of the following lovely link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayDomestically Divine TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link Up, and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you, dear ladies, for hosting these! The engraving of Miriam was not in the original Godey but has been inserted by the author of this blog.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Modesty Starts in the Inside and Works its Way Out...

Woman Reading in the Garden by Marie Spartali Stillman

"Let me say first that modesty doesn’t begin with our clothing. It starts in the heart. When we’re right with God—walking in purity and humility before Him—it will be reflected in a modest appearance.

The problem with the pharasees was that their relationship with God was all physical and outward. The heart and soul wasn't affected by their faith. Sadly, women today use this same excuse when it comes to modest dressing. They claim their heart is pure and that is what is most important.

However, that is not the complete picture. If our heart is full of God, it will overflow into everything we think, say and do. It will overflow into our clothing as well. The complete picture of modesty is finally spoken out loud through your dress. It says:
"I am a follower of Christ. I understand that I was bought at a price. I understand that my adornment affects many around me. I can keep a pure environment by my proper conduct. I can keep thoughts focused on Him, rather than myself."
Let us love Him from the inside out! Let us be overfilled, overflowed and live in His abundance, in every way of our lives."

~ Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Other thoughts on Modesty:

Friday, April 5, 2013

Stirring up the Gifts Within Our Daughters

Flowers in the Field by Francis Luis Mora

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God,
which is in thee by the putting on of my hands."
~ 2 Timothy 1:6

The average age (for a first marriage) for women in the United States in 2009 was 26.5 years. There is a decline in marriages in general and the church is not removed from this truth. While at a homeschool convention a few years ago, I had a chance to meet a lovely Amish/Mennonite young lady. She was 26 and unmarried. We got on the conversation and she said she is not alone. Many of her friends are waiting for the right man but the boys in their churches are in no hurry to marry and the quality is lacking. I was saddened but not surprised as this seemed to be the trend in our churches as well.

What to do? While raising our daughters to be keepers at home, we must remember that although homemaking is a beautiful calling, there is also something God given in each of us that requires further nurturing.

At the Piano by Childe Hassam

Do you have a girl who is musical like Miriam was? Encourage her to develop those skills. How comforting a sweet song can be to the soul.

The Embroiderer by James Carroll Beckwith

Do you have a Lydia who loves to sew? There are many sewing classes available, DVD curriculums and friends and family who can help to nurture this interest. Encourage her to use her talents to make modest clothing (and possible sell them), sew baby gifts for new mothers, etc.

Young Girl with Goat and Flowers by Emile Munier

Does your daughter have a love for animals like the shepherd daughters of Jethro? Encourage her to mentor a young girl who shares a similar love or create a cottage industry with the by-products from her farm ventures.

Portrait of Dora by Frank Dicksee

We must "stir up the gifts" within our daughters so they may begin their active work now. A purpose must be given, a vision set and goals created. There are many opportunities to serve in the home sphere where God has placed us. Pray for guidance and wisdom that these acts of service will fulfill your daughter and her desires.

The Sensitive Plant by Frank Dicksee

It is a wicked world out there. If our maidens are not working diligently on some sort of labor or skill, the world will certainly provide amusements for them. All these talents will only benefit and broaden a future home that they may have of their own one day. And lastly, be purposeful and  share with all the dear younger women you know how important and special they are to their Creator (because you are, dear maiden!).

"Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."
~ Proverbs 31:29

This post may be shared with some or all of the following lovely link-ups: Modest Mom Monday'sTeach Me TuesdayDomestically Divine TuesdayRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link Up, and Deep Roots at Home. Thank you, dear ladies, for hosting these!